About Us

We believe in the One true and living God as the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. By placing faith in Jesus Christ who offered Himself as a living sacrifice by dying on the cross for the sins of the world, we believe His resurrection gives new life through the Holy Spirit. With the help and power of the Holy Spirit, our mission is to carry out what Jesus commands us to in the Great Commission. As an outreach ministry, we are dedicated to helping restore hope in the lives of individuals and families through serving, teaching and demonstrating the Word of God, equip and reveal the power of God’s love, impacting not only personal lives, but the world! We are a five-fold ministry who operates in the gifts of the Holy Spirit according to Ephesians 4:11. As children of God, we are also joint heirs with Christ Jesus, and we believe His supernatural power, miracles, signs and wonders are the demonstration of His power and love.


Our mission is to help restore, empower and enrich the lives of individuals and families through the knowledge of God’s Word, and revelation of God’s life-changing power


Min. Gwan Gamble is a native of Maryland. He accepted Jesus Christ as a teenager during a high school YoungLife care group. He is a humble, but dynamic and anointed servant of God whose desire is only to do the will of God. Not only has Minister Gwan witnessed countless miracles in the Holy Spirit’s power growing up, but the Lord graciously healed him from multiple medical complexities – leaving medical professionals scratching their heads. He is a living testimony to the grace and mercy of our Lord.

He’s worked in the Investment Advisory/Wealth Management industry for over 24 years, and has worked in various rolls including an Investment Strategist and Relationship Manager. As an entrepreneur, God has blessed Minister Gwan in all of his endeavors; after starting a private investment fund, it grew in value by 150% leaving investors happy! He started one of the only minority owned artisan craft jerky companies in the country, and God made it a success.

He has been ministering for over 24 years on the gospel field for Jesus Christ. In 2015 he was ordained as a Minister of the Gospel.

Minister Gwan is a man who loves God; God’s people and His Word. He enjoys family time; investment research, business opportunities, reading and learning whatever he can to share with others. He’s passionate about spending quiet time with God, revelation of the Word of God and its unbreakable life-changing power.

Minister Gwan is dedicated to helping restore hope in the lives of individuals and families through the knowledge of God’s Word, and faith in His power.

Minister Gwan is married to Catherine and is the father of two children, Joshua and Gabriela.